########################################## # # HTML (2) : In class exercise # ########################################## ###### Question No. 1 ################################################## #################################################### # # Try to write an HTML page called table.html # that can generate the following screenshot: table.jpg # Please click on the page name to see the screenshot # If you don't want to type the text you can download it # from the following page: tableText.txt # #################################################### ###### Question No. 2 ################################################## #################################################### # # Try to write an HTML page called divisions.html # that can generate the following screenshot: divisions.jpg # Please click on the page name to see the screenshot # If you don't want to type the text you can download it # from the following page: divisionsText.txt # Please refer to the following address for the image used in the HTML page: # {$CMS_CONFIG->PATH->ROOT_URL}/{$CMS_CONFIG->PATH->PAGE_FOLDER}/info510/slide/slide_06_html/image.jpg # ####################################################